20 Companies with Zero Waste to Landfill Operations
Increasingly, companies are aiming to be more environmentally friendly, and one of the measurable means toward that end is establishing facilities and operations that send zero waste to landfills. There are several firms that verify these claims by companies. Some businesses and organizations are going a facility at a time to achieve zero waste goals while others have pushed for their entire company to take on a landfill-free persona.
Not everyone finds it a 100-percent positive when companies trumpet their zero-waste achievements. Some believe including waste to energy in the mix is not truly zero waste. Burning waste destroys resources and doesn't reduce waste, they say. And there's always concerns that companies are greenwashing, or promoting themselves as better environmental stewards than they really are.
Nevertheless, the number of lanfdill-free operations is piling up. We present here 20 examples of companies achieving landfill-free status at one facility, several operations or for their entire firms. It is by no means an exhaustive list, but a sampling of what corporations are doing with the environment in mind.
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