3 Tips to Help You Master Video Creation

Sean Leddy, Senior Marketing Designer

August 22, 2019

2 Min Read

Video is quickly becoming the most prominent marketing tool with over 55% of marketers saying they will increase marketing spend on video. But video shouldn’t just be something we sell to our clients. It should be an integral part of positioning your brand as a leader in the content game. So how can you make sure the video content you create will hold up, and stand out in the ever-expanding landscape of online digital video?

Here are 3 tips to help you and your clients master video creation:

1. Keep it short

Facebook Ads suggests that a video with a 15 second or less total run time will receive the most completed views. That’s because with more video content being seen than ever before, people’s attention spans are narrowing.

Play-through data from websites like YouTube and Vimeo suggest that viewership begins to decline on most videos after about 90 seconds. That is why we recommend keeping any marketing video short, at 90 seconds or less, and leave the longer run times for videos that are targeted to viewers who are further down the funnel. 

2. Be authentic

Viewers trust brands and stories that are genuine. Keep your messaging consistent with your brand story and values. When reading or writing a video script, ask yourself if it sounds like something your customers would say. The more authentic your messaging, the more it will resonate with your audience, and people buy from brands they trust. 

3. Give them something

Why would someone invest time to watch one of your videos? What’s in it for them? Video content that offers an end result is more enticing to audiences. Try formulating video content like “5 ways to..” or “Learn how you can…” or even “8 things you need to know about….”. Once the viewer understands what they’ll gain from watching, the clicks will come.

Ensuring that stay within these quick tips, will help your video content keep your audience’s attention and craving more! 

About the Author

Sean Leddy

Senior Marketing Designer, Penton

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