Honolulu Council Proposes Tax Breaks for Homes Near Landfill
Living next to a landfill has plenty of downsides but, to soften the experience, the Honolulu City Council is considering a tax break for those who have a landfill for a neighbor.
July 27, 2023
Living next to a landfill has plenty of downsides but, to soften the experience, the Honolulu City Council is considering a tax break for those who have a landfill for a neighbor.
The Honolulu City Council is considering a tax break for those who live next to a landfill and locals are excited for the proposed benefits.
“Any tax break or anything that’s offered especially for the people of the Waianae coast, Nanakuli area – I think its beneficial for the people,” Anduha said.
The Council’s proposal would see all property taxes waived for homes within one mile of the PVT operated landfill. Ed Wener, Ironworkers Union and Nanakuli safety advocate, showed support for the proposal at a Budget Committee hearing earlier this week.
“People that live in that community been overwhelmed and suffered,” Werner said. “The hundreds of trucks pass my home.”
Andrew Kawano, City Finance Director, warned about the precedence this would create if the proposal were to go into effect.
“There are going to be other community groups who are going to want the same thing,” Kawano said. “For sewage treatment plants, being for convenience centers and other situations where you have high traffic, possibility for dust. Where is it gonna end once we do one?”
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