Waste Management & the Circular Economy Future: EPR, Bottle Bill, Packaging and Beyond

Major new laws have been passed in more than a dozen states implementing circular economy solutions for plastic, packaging, batteries, solar panels and more. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) has moved from theory to practice. A national bottle bill may finally be a reality. Learn what all this will mean for haulers, recyclers, producers and more from some of the key architects of the new system.

May 8, 2024

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NicoElNino / Alamy Stock Photo

Waste management innovations that have been waiting in the wings have suddenly hit the ground running. Major new laws have been passed in more than a dozen states implementing circular economy solutions for plastic, packaging, batteries, solar panels and more. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) has moved from theory to practice. A national bottle bill may finally be a reality. Learn what all this will mean for haulers, recyclers, producers and more from some of the key architects of the new system.Be part of the discussion, including:

  • How EPR laws will work on the ground. 

  • How costs and responsibilities will shift between the players.

  • Tracking the titanic shifts that allowed percolating ideas to suddenly burst into the mainstream.

  • What’s next?

This topic is no longer an if but an inevitable when; attend this session to prepare your business for future action.

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