York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority Request for Proposals Innovative Municipal Solid Waste Processing

The York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority (YCSWA) is a municipal authority  responsible for assuring critical infrastructure is in place and accessible to properly manage municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in York County, Pennsylvania.

September 24, 2024

4 Min Read
York County
York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority

The York County Solid Waste and Refuse Authority (YCSWA) is a municipal authority  responsible for assuring critical infrastructure is in place and accessible to properly manage municipal solid waste (MSW) generated in York County, Pennsylvania.  In furtherance of its mission to facilitate responsible MSW management over the long term, and recognizing limitations on existing local infrastructure, YCSWA is hereby requesting proposals from capable parties who are willing and able to construct and operate innovative MSW processing systems (IMPS) on the site of the York County Resource Recovery Center (YCRRC) located in Manchester Township, York County, Pennsylvania.  For the purposes of this request, IMPS are systems that recover energy and/or materials of positive economic value for return to the circular economy. 

The intent of this request for proposals (RFP) is to identify technologies and systems that can be applied to extract value from York County’s MSW by affordably recovering scarce resources while minimizing adverse environmental impacts and reducing landfilling.  IMPS procured through this RFP would initially augment existing facilities currently used to manage York County’s MSW including the YCRRC, Modern Landfill, the Penn Waste Recycling Center, YCSWA’s advanced ash recycling facility, and a network of other local businesses accepting assorted items for recycling and/or special handling.  In the event a qualified respondent submits a proposal demonstrating adequate value through implementation of their proposed IMPS, as that value is determined solely by YCSWA, YCSWA intends to enter contract negotiations with the successful respondent (Contractor) for implementation of said system(s).  Although the terms and conditions of any final contract for IMPS implementation may differ from those presented in this RFP and the proposals submitted in response hereto, for the purpose of preparing and submitting a proposal responding  firms should assume:

  1. The IMPS will be situated on land owned by YCSWA and leased to Contractor at the site of the YCRRC.  Assume 15 to 20 acres initially available for IMPS implementation.

  2. Contractor will develop, own, design, install, operate, and maintain all IMPS.

  3. The IMPS must provide a minimum processing capacity of 200 tons per day.

  4. Contractor will be responsible for marketing and otherwise managing all system outputs

  5. .Conventional waste combustion for energy recovery and conventional processing of source-separated recyclables do NOT qualify as IMPS.

  6. YCSWA and Contractor will collaborate on IMPS facility permitting.

  7. YCSWA will supply all waste processed at the IMPS.

To be considered responsive to this RFP, interested parties should submit the following information to YCSWA as part of their response:

  • Without disclosing confidential technical information or trade secrets, describe the IMPS, including process flow and waste processing capacity.  Confidential technical information may be requested as part of subsequent proposal evaluation and/or contract negotiations.

  • Describe all marketable material, energy, and other system outputs.

  • Describe all direct environmental impacts such as air emissions, wastewater discharges,  solid residues, noise, odor, and any other impact that requires monitoring and/or mitigation.  Describe planned mitigation measures, as applicable.

  • Describe the IMPS and system outputs in relation to respondent’s market & policy projections.

  • Describe respondent’s ownership, organization, and history, and identify key individuals proposed for involvement in this project.  Include a description of respondent’s experience implementing the proposed IMPS, including references.

  • Describe plans for financing project development and demonstrating adequate financial wherewithal.    

  • Describe the proposed terms and conditions of respondent’s offer to YCSWA for IMPS implementation, including:

YCSWA will review all proposals received by the prescribed deadline to determine their respective potential value to YCSWA.  Upon selection of a preferred proposal (if any), YCSWA will evaluate that respondent’s qualifications to determine whether to enter contract negotiations for IMPS implementation.  This RFP and the information provided in respondent’s proposal will be used as a basis for good faith contract negotiations.  Among other things, the final contract will define the allocation of contract risks and rewards

between the parties.  Neither YCSWA nor any respondent will be responsible for strict adherence to any statements or other representations contained in this RFP or respondent’s proposal that are not incorporated into a final, properly executed contract between the parties. 

Submittals shall be packaged to separately identify information the respondent considers confidential information.  All confidential information shall be attached to the transmittal email as a separate PDF file clearly labeled as “CONFIDENTIAL” and all documents within that file shall display the watermark “CONFIDENTIAL: PROPRIETARY BUSINESS INFORMATION”.Information that is not confidential shall be attached to the transmittal email as a separate PDF attachment.  To the greatest extent permissible under the law, YCSWA will maintain as confidential all information received as part of the proposal and clearly labeled as described above.

Determination of the responsiveness of each proposal received, and whether to enter contract negotiations with each respondent is entirely at YCSWA’s sole discretion.

Firms interested in providing YCSWA with IMPS pursuant to this RFP shall submit a proposal via email to David Vollero at [email protected] by 5pm EDT on Wednesday, October 30, 2024.  ALL communications (including questions) regarding this RFP shall be directed to Mr. Vollero.

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