Jacobs Expands Wastewater Program Management Role in Syracuse, New York

August 9, 2024

2 Min Read

DALLAS -- Jacobs (NYSE: J) was contracted by Onondaga County, New York, to provide program management services for the county's combined sewer overflow (CSO) abatement and capacity, management, operations and maintenance programs. The new contract extends Jacobs' long-term program management role to cover the CSO program and improve sewer system performance county-wide using Jacobs' Digital OneWater solutions.

Jacobs has provided program management services for the county's award-winning CSO program since 2008, overseeing more than 200 green stormwater infrastructure projects and wastewater collection system improvements that eliminate hundreds of millions of gallons of CSOs annually in the City of Syracuse. Onondaga County was one of the first areas in the U.S. to achieve Federal CSO Consent Order closure because of progress reducing CSOs and improving water quality.

"Onondaga County has become a global model for successful CSO abatement by pioneering green infrastructure and traditional engineered infrastructure solutions alongside innovative sewer system modeling, allowing the county to meet their federal obligations ahead of schedule and under budget," said Jacobs Senior Vice President 

Chrissy Thom

. "Jacobs has supported the county's CSO reduction objectives for more than 15 years. We'll build on that relationship to deliver additional sewer service improvements and long-term water quality benefits for the community."

Under the new five-year contract, Jacobs will finalize the county's Long-Term Control Plan for CSO abatement and provide program management services including capital planning, preliminary design and permitting support for the remaining CSO program projects. Jacobs will also develop the capacity management, operations and maintenance program to help improve operational performance of the county's sanitary wastewater collection system. This new program will involve system capacity modeling and evaluation surveys to identify and address capacity constraints and sewer defects, including the use of Jacobs' Dragonfly and Argon, two of Jacobs' Digital OneWater suite of products to review pipe inspection videos and prioritize repairs.

Ranked as No.1 in Program Management by Engineering News-Record, Jacobs delivers today's most complex, challenging and iconic infrastructure and transformation programs. Jacobs has supported programs like southern California's Pure Water Project Las Virgenes-Triunfo, which is securing a more resilient drinking water supply in the region, the Thames Tideway Tunnel, one of the largest water infrastructure projects ever undertaken in the U.K., and Central Interceptor, New Zealand's largest-ever wastewater project. 

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