Winchester City Council Buys New Food Waste Trucks Powered by Biofuel

Winchester, England will be getting a new group of trucks that will be powered by hydrotreated vegetable oil that will collect the area’s food waste.

June 20, 2024

1 Min Read
ArchivalSurvival / Alamy Stock Photo

Winchester, England will be getting a new group of trucks that will be powered by hydrotreated vegetable oil that will collect the area’s food waste.

The move by Winchester City Council, which is a £1.8 million plan, will get the area nine new 12-tonne trucks meant for food waste collection and another electric collection truck. Biffa Waste Services, Winchester’s contractor, will use the vehicles.

Cabinet members made the purchasing decision earlier this week to get the trucks on time. Councils are required to provide food waste collection services by April 2026. Funding is split between the government, which is funding £1.4 million, and another £400,000 from the council.

Read the full article here.

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