Ottawa, Canada Approves New Solid Waste Master Plan to Extend Life of Landfill

The Ottawa, Canada city council has approved a Solid Waste Master Plan to lessen the pressure on the Trail Road Landfill, which is filling up quickly.

June 28, 2024

1 Min Read
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The Ottawa, Canada city council has approved a Solid Waste Master Plan to lessen the pressure on the Trail Road Landfill, which is filling up quickly.

The Trail Road Landfill is estimated to reach capacity by 2035 and the city says a new landfill could cost upwards of $600 million. With that in mind, the new plan spans 30 years and details nearly 50 actions that will decrease the amount of waste going to the site, extending the life of the Trail Road Landfill to 2049.

Action plans include maximizing waste reduction and reuse, and expanding the city’s Take it Back! Program, add more repair cafes, cutting waste at special events, and more waste diversion at city facilities, parks, and public spaces.

Read the full article here.

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