Baltimore Sues Major Brands for Alleged Role in Plastic Pollution Crisis

Baltimore officials are taking action against several major brands that they believe are playing a big part in the plastic pollution problem.

June 26, 2024

1 Min Read
ACORN 1 / Alamy Stock Photo

Baltimore officials are taking action against several major brands that they believe are playing a big part in the plastic pollution problem.

Last week, officials from Baltimore announced they are suing PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Frito Lay, and plastic manufacturers for contributing to “a plastic pollution crisis.” The suit alleges that these companies created a public nuisance with their products and the knowledge that those materials could harm the environment and wildlife.

“We are continuously working to make Baltimore a greener, more resilient city that is ready to take on the climate challenges facing the entire world and one that prioritizes the health of our residents,” said Mayor Brandon Scott.

Read the full article here.

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