Pathways to Success for Plastic Waste

We must work more closely together to increase the recycling rate and recyclability of plastic from 10% to 90%. The open discussion format encourages all to share your own success stories and get everyone inspired to become active ambassadors for sustainability in your communities.

May 7, 2024

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Reinhard Dirscherl/Getty Images

Listen and participate in a lively discussion around plastic waste. Conversation will include how both mechanical and advanced recycling help address the world’s plastic waste problems. Getting plastic waste materials to recycling outlets requires a diverse mix of efforts, including landfill-diversion programs, improved logistics, and innovative technology to identify/analyze materials, sort them, and create pathways/markets. This requires cooperation with businesses, municipalities, and communities. Hear some real-world examples, including all-plastic collection programs in the City of Houston. We must work more closely together to increase the recycling rate and recyclability of plastic from 10% to 90%. The open discussion format encourages all to share your own success stories and get everyone inspired to become active ambassadors for sustainability in your communities. 

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