Leading with LCFS: Financing Waste Infrastructure with Environmental Credits (WasteExpo 2022)

June 6, 2022


Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) are fundamentally changing the economics of waste and driving the deployment of a new generation of waste infrastructure. Notably, hundreds of anaerobic digester projects are in the process of being developed, landfills across the U.S. are being converted to produce renewable natural gas and waste cooking oils are seeing massive demand spikes spurred by the quadrupling of U.S. renewable diesel production capacity. Learn about the drivers of LCFS credit value, how both equity and debt investors think about LCFS, how project developers can successfully have their project underwritten, what policies are currently in place and what states are considering similar policies and more.

Asher Goldman. Principal, Net Negative Partners
Bill Caesar (Moderator), President, Generate Upcycle
Sam Wade, Director of Public Policy, Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas

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