Food Scrap Collection Strategies and Programs for Residential, Multifamily, Grocery Stores, and Haulers

Household Level Techniques and Data for Curbside Collection of Food Scraps, Smart Compost: Proven, effective, scalable system for multifamily residential food waste collection, Highest and Best use of Food Waste.

May 7, 2024

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Yarvin Market Journeys / Alamy Stock Photo

Moderator: Debra Darby, Tetra Tech

  • Household Level Techniques and Data for Curbside Collection of Food Scraps. Wayne Fenton, City of Durham Solid Waste Management. NC

  • Smart Compost: Proven, effective, scalable system for multifamily residential food waste collection. Jeff Satwicz, VP Business Development, Bigbelly. MA

  • Highest and Best use of Food Waste. Andrew Brousseau, Black Earth Compost. MA

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