Entsorga Cologne '98
April 1, 1998
Entsorga Cologne '98, the largest event of its kind in Europe this year, will be held May 12 - 16 in Cologne, Germany, and is expected to draw 1,350 participants from 29 countries.
Organized by the Federal Association of the German Waste Disposal Industry and KolnMesse, the exhibition will showcase a full array of waste and recycling products and technologies, including waste management services, recycling machinery and plants, vehicles, trailers and containers.
The Entsorga program will address a combination of worldwide policy issues, technology, environmental needs and market demands such as:
* The Globalization of the Waste Market.
* 5th Chinese-German Symposium on the Environment.
* Waste Policy Versus the Waste Industry.
* Waste Management in Europe.
* Federal Conference of Environmental Consultants.
* Lectures for U.S. Exporters to the European Market.
* "The Functioning Waste Industry" Competition.
* BDI Environmental Prize for Industry.
* Speakers' Corner.
* Congress Dedicated to Specific Environmental Themes by Various Organizations.
For more information on traveling to and attending Entsorga Cologne, contact: Cologne International Trade Fairs, 40 West 57th St., 31st Floor, New York, N.Y. 10019. (212) 974-8836. Fax: (212) 974-8838. Web address: www.koelnmesse.de/entsorga
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