Alameda County, Calif., Seeks to Crack Down on Illegally Dumping Mattresses
January 27, 2015
Alameda County recyclers want to find out if financial incentives or "bounties" can help reduce blight associated with illegally dumped mattresses, county waste management agency StopWaste announced Monday.
StopWaste is providing a $25,000 grant to Oakland-based mattress recyclers DR3 to find out if bounties help to clean up the county's streets, and how high to set them in order to be effective.
StopWaste Recycling Coordinator Tom Padia said in a prepared statement that illegally dumped mattresses are a financial challenge for many cities. They're also difficult to handle at landfills and transfer stations, Padia said.
"Part of what they need to do is figure out what's the amount of money that would work," StopWaste spokesman Jeff Becerra said.
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