RUBICONSmartCity Technology Now on AWS Marketplace
The technology tracks metrics such as vehicle location, route completion and service confirmations in real time.
Rubicon just announced its RUBICONSmartCity technology is now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace. Interested cities of all sizes (households of 1-20,000; 20,001-50,000; 50,001-100,000; and 100,000-plus) can purchase the technology that is expected to make waste and recycling operations run more effectively.
RUBICONSmartCity programs are now running in more than 20 municipalities, including Atlanta; Santa Fe, N.M.; Tyler, Texas; and Columbus, Ga.
“Making the RUBICONSmartCity program available on AWS Marketplace is a major step in our work to help governments of all sizes confidently execute on their sustainability goals and create more efficient, data-driven services for citizens,” said Michael Allegretti, senior vice president of policy and strategic initiatives at Rubicon Global, in a statement. “Through our collaboration with AWS, city governments can now deploy Rubicon’s technology at a faster rate than might otherwise been the case through a traditional government procurement process. As a result, more cities will be able to deliver smart, cost-effective services for their residents.”
RUBICONSmartCity technology tracks metrics such as vehicle location, route completion and service confirmations through a smartphone app in real time. According to the company, it empowers drivers to document important information like blocked bins and contaminated recycling and reports data directly back to a secure website for supervisors and dispatchers to evaluate and assess a city’s overall performance.
From January through June 2017, the Atlanta Department of Public Works deployed smartphones loaded with Rubicon’s proprietary hauler mobile app into the city’s entire fleet of residential solid waste, recycling and yard waste trucks, servicing all 96,000 households that lie within the Atlanta city limits.
Through the data collected during the program, Rubicon reported that it identified a combination of actual and potential cost savings of more than $700,000 annually. These improvements included areas such as increasing landfill diversion, further optimizing waste and recycling routes and reducing maintenance costs.
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