The Packaging Deal: Innovations and the Latest Thinking in Sustainable Packaging (WasteExpo 2022)

June 6, 2022


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Every day, businesses, consumers, and the waste-and-recycling industry are continuing to grapple with big questions and concerns related to packaging. And, the need to implement sustainable (and creative) solutions is increasing. So what’s the latest thinking in this area?

This session will cover the role of innovations like blockchain and waste-to-crude in developing sustainable packaging options; how Uber-style recycling companies are picking up the slack of local municipalities; how plastic continues to fit into the puzzle; and why it's a good idea not to shift packaging-related responsibilities to the consumer.

Cory Connors, Sustainable Packaging Consultant, Landsberg
Evelio Mattos, Sustainable Structural Packaging Designer, Ubuntoo Sustainability Ambassador, and Package Design Unboxd Podcast Host
Adam Peek, Vice President of Revenue Operations, Meyers
Jonathan Quinn, Director of Market Development and Sustainability, Pregis

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